2018 - Choppers' Paradise
With all the buzz around bobbers, cafe racers and scramblers, our long forked big flathead showed first signs of a depression coming on (drooping headlight, sagging sissy bar, clogged up carb) so we decided to bring it to its natural habitat for some well earned reconvalescence among fellow creatures. Sweden. Not only do they have there the longest forks on the planet, they also have the longest days!
So we strapped some gear to sissy bar and rabbit ear handlebars, pointed the long forks due North and kept her wide open until we saw moose in the lane going the other way. Well, almost. With a teardrop tank like she has, you’re well advised to stop at EVERY gas station that comes your way – or it’s teardrops of desperation and a long, sweaty push across endless forests if you haven’t got a reserve can somewhere tucked away. There are plenty of forests on the road to the legendary Norrtälje Custom Bike Show.
But what’s that: long before we’re even near our final destination, the roads fill with hot rods, US cars and: long forked choppers! That’s just what the doctor ordered for our bike. Strangely, she feels more relaxed and revitalized, as if all this had been long master-planned. And lo and behold, just as we pass through the town of Enköping, her side valves a-prattling merrily along an overgrown yard we glimpse through a hole in the hedge chromed fenders, long hoods, Chevy trucks, tanks in bright colours and endless front ends … WHAT THE FORK! We hit the binders, and after some perceived three minutes come to a dusty stop a few blocks later. We turn the long springer around and go back to that shiny apparition in the hedge. And what do you know, a few dudes wave us in and we ride through the hole in that hedge …
We’re not sure if our chopper had a hand in all this, but this CAN’T be coincidence. We park the bikes, get a beer and start chopper spotting. There’s a lot of them already here, and they keep on coming, VRATT-VRATTing and timing gears a-whining, through the gate.
A fine event Hi-Revs CC's and Lynchmen's HANG EM HI is, top notch bikes, nice people. We recommend it. If you’re the dude who wants some good company for his good old Harley chopper, try to be here next time.
The road to Norrtälje will be there tomorrow too, we decide, and get another cold one.
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