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Hard Rocking Weekend 23, Black Forest, D

Hard Rocking Weekend 23, Black Forest, D

The pine trees were shivering when the pack of Harleys rolled up to that hidden blockhouse deep in the Black Forest. A small circle of friends had asked a slightly larger circle of friends to their notoriously delirious decibel extravaganza … in short HRW. Erm, that’s supposed to mean Hard! Rocking! Weekend! The concept is in the name: Friday the electric guitars were screaming over the beergarden tables from canned recordings, later to be replaced by live bands, giving an even harder push to the wrenching talk.

Come Saturday, there was a ride

(and a treat for anyone who appreciates ancient machinery): a trip to the local industry museum, sorry, the local historic Schwarzenbach dam, complete with impressive electricity generating equipment. The interior of the dam is filled with high caliber tubing of all sizes connected to even bigger turbines and generators. What a trip! The evening saw more amped up musical highlights, and instead of water the beer was flowing freely, making this weekend rock hard right up to the last chords.