Veterama, Mannheim, D

Veterama, Mannheim, D

Amid the falling leaves Mannheim is calling. Veterama, the biggest (so they say) rust-fest in Europe is opening its gates and we couldn’t wait to go.

If your life has been centered around the two wheeled tractors coming out of Milwaukee you probably know already the hazards of coming here. Among all that hubbub in the mega large grounds there’s always parts looking for a new home, complete bikes even, unheard of period accessories, and of course the odd wrenching inspiration might pop up out of nowhere. Add the inevitable chance meetings with old acquaintances at the refreshments stall, and you get the picture.

Even if you cannot find anything

(OK, improbable, we know) to bring home in your saddlebag or car boot, no cylinder head, no period correct glass lens for the broken one you own, no wonky diamond shaped mirror complementing the one you have sitting at home on that chopper project, not even a OEM gas cap for that turtle tank gathering dust in your garage – you’ll bring home the certainty that out there there are other nerds keen on busting their knuckles wrenching or rummaging in cases of vintage washers in the never ending quest of just the right one, for those precious next hundred miles on that burbling V-twin under their butts.