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2018 - Six Town Chopper Show, UK

The Saturday was much sunnier,

drier and not quite as fast, as the China Hall got filled with people and a load of impeccably built choppers. 29 machines, to be accurate. Inspiring ideas and awesome craftsmanship formed a happy union here with period correct parts and Milwaukee’s finest hardware.

If you were exhausted from checking out the scooters

and needed some recalibration of your brain, there had been laid on some fine diversions. There was a swap meet, photographs and artworks had been carefully curated and hung throughout the hall. There was jewelry, and sure enough, garb of all kinds to choose from. Plus some tasty burgers, Bourbon beer, bands and coffee. The misfire of the day went to the folks using paper cups to serve their coffee. Paper cups in a china factory? No way, dudes. The kick start of the day: right next to the sugar on the coffee table they had Bourbon instead of the usual milk (or – aarrgh – coffee whitener). Yess! That’s the way to serve coffee! The paper cups were instantly forgotten.