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B-Bombers Flight #3, Hammelburg, D

B-Bombers Flight #3, Hammelburg, D

When SpeedMcLean flings out invitations for the B-Bombers Flight #3, his far flung circle of friends (D, A, CH, F, NL …) are ready to roll, ’cos here it is all: lots of heavy wrenching talk, a well sorted gourmet grill, historic motorcycling milestones, multiple memorabilia, and of course museum quality machines, many of which are Harleys, making the many miles to the meet.

And what do you know: that’s how it turned out

to be. A couple of dreamlike days in July in Norbert’s back garden, around his home town Hammelburg, epic rides across the Rhön hills and sweeping Spessart forest detours, dining on fresh trout in Habichsthal, and a final farewell dinner where it all began, in Norbert’s back garden. The consensus was that SpeedMcLeans B-Bombers Flight #3 should be the upcoming #1 event of the ’23 bike event calendar.