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Condotti olio singoli per serbatoio Horseshoe

per Big Twin Flathead 1938-1948

Riproduzioni dei condotti olio d'acciaio originali con dadi a cappello, come venivano usati con i serbatoi olio Horseshoe e pompe olio di serie del 1936-1964.

  • acciaio, CAD (procedimento ZnNi)
  • U.S.A.

Oil Line Nuts and Finish

All H-D production models had short oil line nuts on them 1915-1941. In 1941 the running change to longer type nuts was made. There is no difference in function or fit. The part number remained the same no matter the material of the line, type of nut, or finish. Early oil lines were nickle plated, later versions are cad plated. Chrome lines were never produced by the factory.

Illustration shows short end nuts on top and long on the bottom.

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