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What feet rest on: Footrests - The little siblings of the running boards

Whether the Harley rider rests on them with heels, center or toes of his feet, footrests are always the better choice when the feet are to be placed on an imaginary line below the rider's rear end. This does not have to be exactly below, an angle of about 30° to the front or rear is common. In this area, the footrest provides active support and the pedals can be operated with a rotating motion from the ankle.

Footpegs are relatively easy to construct, and U.S. regulations required that they simply fold up when the bike is leaned over. In contrast to running boards, rigid footrests limit cornering fun rather abruptly because they do not slide in the event of a fall, but literally lift the the rear wheel from ground contact. So right from the start, with the K models and Sportster, footpegs were therefore foldable, while in Europe and Japan one often still encountered rigids.

Which footpegs are available from W&W Cycles?

All original footpegs, of which good and high quality reproductions are available. And for those who can't or don't want to make friends with the design of the originals from Milwaukee, W&W offers a large selection of cool parts which have been traded as accessories since the '50s and '60s plus offsprings from the milling centers of recent custom culture. And because every footrest needs a bracket, the selection also includes those for K models, for Sportster, for Dynas and FXe, FLHs and Softails, for rigid frame choppers, for mounting behind the gearbox or for bolting tothe frame.

Have any questions?

Our service team will be glad to help out: Mondays - Thursdays 08:00-17:00 CET, Fridays 08:00-16:00 CET, Phone: +49 / 931 250 61 16, eMail: service@wwag.com