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Tool Management

Tidy up and organize your tools

In the beginning, a corner in the garage where you stack up the few toolboxes you have will certainly do. But as soon as you go beyond just a ratchet tool box and a box with screwdrivers, you can no longer do without proper organization of the tools and the parts you removed. Trolleys and stools provide storage space and immediate access. Magnetic trays (except for stainless steel screws ;-)) and tin cans help to ensure that the screws don't get lost - preferably several containers in parallel use to keep things tidy.

Have any questions?

Our service team will be glad to help out: Mondays - Thursdays 08:00-17:00 CET, Fridays 08:00-16:00 CET, Phone: +49 / 931 250 61 16, eMail: service@wwag.com