Andrews Individual Close Ratio Gear Sets
Best choice for lighter bikes with stock motor. Speeds up to 80 km/h in the 1st gear without problem. The set comprises a 17/20 tooth cluster gear for the mainshaft and a 24 tooth gear for the countershaft. Installation in 80–84 FX requires a 21 tooth 2nd gear on the countershaft (1.82 ratio).
- Gear set by Andrews
- for 1st/2nd gear
- fits 4-speed Big Twin
- steel
- gear ratio: 1st gear: 2.44:1
- number of teeth: 17/20 + 24
- gross weight: 1.13 kg
Close Ratio
In a transmission it describes the gear ratio of a gear set that comes closer to the gear ratio of the following gear set than the OEM gear set.
Example: The original gear ratio for the 1st gear in a Big Twin 4-speed transmisssion is 3.0:1. Andrews offers 1st gear sets with gear ratios of 2.44:1 or 2.60:1. These values are closer to the stock 2nd gear ratio of of 1.82:1.
In practice, this means that the drop in engine speed from first to second gear is much lower than with the original ratio (25% or 30% compared to 39%). The Andrews Close Ratio Set is not quite as good as the original in terms of first-gear acceleration, but it has the advantage of achieving a higher speed at the shift speed.

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