Andrews Complete Close Ratio Gear Sets

Used for the restoration of worn-out stock 4-speed transmissions or building new custom transmissions for Knuckleheads, Big Flatheads, Panheads and Shovelhead models 1936-1976. With an Andrews gear set transmissions last longer, shift faster, and just plain run better. In addition, you will receive optimized gear ratios since each kit includes specific close ratio gear combinatons for an improved riding experience.
Each kit includes all gears, two shift clutches and two shift forks. Shafts and small parts kits must be ordered separately.
- Gear set »Close Ratio « by Andrews
- fits 4-speed Big Twin 1936-1976
- steel
- gear ratio: 1st gear: 2.44:1 / 3rd gear: 1.35:1
- gross weight: 4.3 kg
Close Ratio
In a transmission it describes the gear ratio of a gear set that comes closer to the gear ratio of the following gear set than the OEM gear set.
Example: The original gear ratio for the 1st gear in a Big Twin 4-speed transmisssion is 3.0:1. Andrews offers 1st gear sets with gear ratios of 2.44:1 or 2.60:1. These values are closer to the stock 2nd gear ratio of of 1.82:1.
In practice, this means that the drop in engine speed from first to second gear is much lower than with the original ratio (25% or 30% compared to 39%). The Andrews Close Ratio Set is not quite as good as the original in terms of first-gear acceleration, but it has the advantage of achieving a higher speed at the shift speed.

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