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Workshop, Garage and Tools
Protective Gear

Protective Gear

Protect yourself: gloves, goggles, aprons, overalls

Anyone who works on a Harley uses to get dirty. This is not due to the Harley per se, but to the materials you are working with. There is grease on the chain or on the rear wheel, abrasion particles and dust trickle out of the brake drum or the calipers, there may be spoils while you drain or refill oil, and if you wrench deep down inside the engine, you come into contact with oil anyway. Stains on trousers, shirts and hands are therefore inevitable.

But you can do something about that:

Protect your hands with gloves, either robust or delicate, depending on the work involved. Varionet safety goggles protect the eyes from shavings, and the built-in magnification also allows you to see better at close range during the delicate works. They're like reading glasses and safety goggles in one. Last but not least, you can cover up your clothes with aprons for just a quick job or put on suitable (C)overalls. Equipped like this, wrenching is twice as much fun.

Have any questions?

Our service team will be glad to help out: Mondays - Thursdays 08:00-17:00 CET, Fridays 08:00-16:00 CET, Phone: +49 / 931 250 61 16, eMail: service@wwag.com