Service manual

Item №

German language service manuals for various models by the Motorbuch Verlag which provide detailed instructions for the maintenance and repair of the respective models. Clear illustrations of all work steps and exploded views show the complete technics from engine, transmission, chassis and brake system to the motorcycle’s electrics. Trouble charts help to localize problems and additional lists summarize vehicle data, tolerances and adjustments.

  • fits Sportster 883 2007-2020
  • paper
  • width x height: 21 x 28 cm
  • softcover
  • black and white
  • 192 pages
  • German
  • ISBN: 978-3-7168-21633
  • gross weight: 623 g
Price incl. VAT*
35.95 €
* The price includes 2.35 € German VAT (19% or reduced rate of 7% for Books).
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