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Service and Repair Manuals
How to Restore your Military Harley-Davidson

Book »How to Restore your Military Harley-Davidson«

Item №

The ultimate reference for correctly restoring these rare and historically significant machines. Author Bruce Palmer III is one of the top experts on 1932-1952 Harley-Davidson military bikes bringing years of research to this work. 464 pages with more than 580 archival and detail photos cover every facet of these unique motorcycles. The elaborate texts minutely describe function and composition of all assembly groups. Whether you are restoring your own Harley military model or are a student of military history, you'll find this book an invaluable reference.

  • fits WLA, WLC, UA, ELC, XA models
  • paper, 2nd Edition
  • width x height: 21.5 x 27.5 cm
  • by Bruce Palmer III
  • softcover
  • black and white
  • 464 pages
  • English
  • ISBN: 9780990620617
  • gross weight: 1.59 kg
Price incl. VAT*
116.91 €
* The price includes 7.65 € German VAT (19% or reduced rate of 7% for Books).
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