Wireless Tank Fuel-O-Meter App

Picture yourself in the middle of the night on a lone moonlit highway out in the boondocks of Sweden. It‘s three in the morning, the last gas stop is already slipping from your vibration filled brain, the transparent hoses you custom installed on the outside of your tank are invisible in the pitch black darkness, and you’re desperately trying to figure out if you have enough of the precious liquid in your fatbob tanks to make it to the only all-night gas station this side of the polar circle, still over a hundred kilometers away.

Well, stop worrying right now. Here’s the all-new WIRELESS TANK FUEL-O-METER (WTF) app by W&W. Simply scan the QR code below with your smart phone and follow the instructions. The app will need a few basic settings (engine displacement, type of camshaft, vehicle weight) and the selection of one of five zones of wind resistance (moped, dirt bike, road bike, chopper, bagger). The smart phones’ inbuilt accelerometer will take it from there, and, using the road profile derived from your GPS coordinates the algorithm will calculate the real time fuel flow with amazing accuracy. It will even tell you the nearest gas station, the current gas prices and the beer brands on sale. The app is compatible with iOS 7.x up as well as Android 2.x up. Sorry, no Blackberry for the moment.

The app is available for immediate beta test release from april first. There are no hidden costs.