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Servi-Car Trunk Boxes

Servi-Car Trunk Boxes

A Harley with a Trunk

In 1932, the Servi-Car was introduced to the market. It had a 750cc motorcycle front-end and an axle with differential at the rear, giving it a track width of 1.10 meters. Boxes were placed on the rear frame, in and on which the driver could take everything he needed. It was very practical for tradesmen, bakers, repair shops, etc., who either could not or did not want to afford a car.

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Our service team will be glad to help out: Mondays - Thursdays 08:00-17:00 CET, Fridays 08:00-16:00 CET, Phone: +49 / 931 250 61 16, eMail: service@wwag.com