Book »Ratbike Atze«

Item №

Something to smile. The adventures of Ratbike Atze, drawn by Jürgen “Toddy” Todtberg. It is plain to see that the author is a biker himself, because some of the situations which Ratbike Atze and his Panhead chopper encounter will certainly give you this special dejà vú feeling.

  • paper
  • width x height: 21.0 x 29.6 cm
  • by J. Toddy Todtberg
  • softcover
  • color
  • German
  • ISBN: 9783980673723
  • gross weight: 218.6 g
Price incl. VAT*
14.50 €
* The price includes 0.95 € German VAT (19% or reduced rate of 7% for Books).
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