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BW Brat Guard

Exact reproduction of the stock bratwurst holder, mounted on the rear header pipe on Big Twins 1936→.


Who hasn’t felt the pangs of hunger when in the middle of a really long run? The rumbling emissions and the constant vibrations of the big twin engine mean an under-the-radar stress situation for your body tissues that can lead to a sudden cholesterol and fat deficit. Diet-induced phases of weakness are a real danger for traffic and personal health.

You probably already have on board the usual safety vest, proof of insurance, trailer with essential spare parts, flare pistol and a life raft. This latest item of safety equipment is a must-have for the safety conscious: The BratGuard. Easy to snap on, this gizmo is the solution to provide, whenever you need it, some well grilled, tasty, crispy sustenance of saturated fats, cholesterol, flavour enhancers and curing salts to keep you going. The fully variable (by way of the throttle cable) temperature control is an added feature not found on similar products. To be announced soon in our product line: “SoyGuard” for vegetarian and vegan products!