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2018 - Super is Go!

2018 - Super is Go!

Going on a rally can be fun. It can be a wash-out. Or, it can be super. In this case, a load of super dudes came from all possible directions on their super rides to a super place to have a super load of superfun. 

Does that sound right to you? It did to us, so off we went to be part of the Superrally at Bydgoszsz, Poland. Never heard of the place? No matter, it’s nestled between Lodz and Gdansk on the map of Poland and is a long way from where we live – almost 900 kilometers. Too much even for us to ride in one go, so we turned it into a super-relaxed cruise, with the first stop in Wagner town Bayreuth, where we picked up some friends coming from the Black Forest. The night was spent at the Customizers East’s club house, a drink or two included.

Next leg, next party:

the super pre Superrally super party was happening at Frankfurt on Oder. Our swarm has grown to super 36 machines by now, getting underway to Bydgoszcz. Before we get to the Superrally, we have to cross a few super showers, but right when we get there, the fine weather has also arrived, to stay over the weekend.

What can we say: everything is just super. The weather, the beer, the food, the prices, the loos, the showers and the organization in general. If you want you can now take a guess how we rated the grounds around the lake, with loads of space. We found the ideal spot for our tents halfway between the stage with the many bands and the catering tents. Right. Just as super as the relaxed cruise home after everything was over.

We can’t wait to find out how many supers the Finnish Superrally will earn in 2019.